Sunday, April 5, 2015

GH4, Cinelike-D and the Myth of iDynamic

GH4, Cinelike-D and the Myth of iDynamic

First of all, take a look at the latest video I shot on the GH4. The daylight footage was shot using the Natural profile with Contrast at -3. I wanted to see if I could get good results on something other than Cinelike-D. 

Boulevardia GH4
from Todd Norris on Vimeo.

First Test with the Panasonic GH4

I pre-ordered the Panasonic GH4 on March 10, 2014. I had gotten amazing images from the GH1, 2 and 3, but the addition of 4k video from the latest iteration of the mirrorless hybrid promised to be a huge leap forward in my goal to create images that looked like the Hollywood films I grew up with.

Ink Magazine calls Tiny Horse "Ride" the Best Video of 2013

Tiny Horse "Ride"
from Todd Norris on Vimeo.

Kansas City's Ink Magazine named Tiny Horse "Ride" the Best Music Video of 2013. "Ride" was directed by Mitch Brian and Todd Norris of Jetpack Pictures. Additionally, Ink's first runner-up for Best Video is The Grisly Hand's "Country Singles", also directed by Brian and Norris.

The new music video from Jetpack Pictures for The Latenight Callers!

At long last, here is the music video I shot and edited for The Latenight Callers' "Tourniquets". Enjoy!

Tourniquets from Todd Norris on Vimeo.